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Will Hurt

Abstract Playgroud Exhibitions

LEVEL has had a long relationship with artist Will Hurt starting with an initial residency in 2016.

In 2018 we were able to present a full installation of Wills work including Abstract Playground, Mass, Botanical Geometries and Plotter Drawings. Each of these have been imagined using computers to create brightly coloured, playful, digital interactive art which bring people together, forge connections and afford people a moment to play.

AP1 was co-commissioned by D-Lab and LEVEL

AP2 was commissioned by Edinburgh International Science Festival

AP3 and AP4 were co-commissioned by Light Night Leeds and Quays Culture

Botanical Geometries was developed during ColabNowNow2018, a 10 day British Council residency in Maputo, Mozambique

Mass and the Plotter Drawings were all self-initiated by Will

Abstract Playground was commissioned by LEVEL and D-Lab in 2016. Since this time Will has continued to develop this exciting work and it was shortlisted for the 2018 LUMEN Prize. He has gone on to show the work in Bejing, Brighton Digital Festival, Light Night Leeds, Norwich and Wirksworth Festival. He also had his first solo exhibition at Derby QUAD.

Over the past two years the original iwork has been installed in several different spaces at the Level Centre. It has appeared on the large Level screens as a part of the Inter-ACT + Re-ACT programme (for which it was originally commissioned). It has formed a four screen installation in the Level Gallery and recently used as performance environment (projected onto 2 rows of gauze to create a 3D environment).  Abstract Playground provides a excellent example of how artists can create work based upon their own interest and direction and at the same time make it fully accessible to all.

Artist: Will Hurt
A short video created by Will to document Abstract Playground. It features a short performance (during the development and testing process) using the programme as an instrument/composition tool.

For more information on the great collaborators for this project please click on the images below: