Tickets are free, but as a charity we welcome a suggested donation of £1 per person. You can donate in cash or by contactless donation when you visit, or by using the PayPal button below.
Open Monday – Friday from Tuesday 3 May to Friday 2 September 2022.
Tickets are FREE, but please book in advance.
Bookings are for up to five people (plus five additional carers if required) for a 45 minute visit. You only need to make one booking for you and your group. When you book for The World Awaits You you’ll have exclusive use of the installation for 45 minutes, but you can book a double slot if you need more time.
Please select your preferred date and time in the booking calendar opposite. You’ll receive an automated email confirming your booking which also gives you the option to rearrange if required.
Although wearing a mask isn’t mandatory, we would prefer you to wear a mask in the public areas of the building unless you are exempt. After each session all surfaces will be wiped down with antibacterial spray ready for the next visitors.
Meet the creative team
Creator: Ashley James Brown
Ashley is an internationally respected artist and developer based in Coventry UK creating emotive nostalgic experiences using code, electronics and sound.
Ashley works in collaboration with many cultural organisations, businesses and individual artists to realise their creative potential with technology. Ashley has over 12 years experience working professionally with a wide variety of cutting edge and non-traditional software and hardware. He lectures to a variety of age groups across the world in creative coding.
Playful and interactive with a hint of nostalgia, his works involve code, sound and electronics objects that invoke real world empathy and enjoyment.
Within his own practice Ashley explores shared emotive experiences using technology as his medium to create his own digital playgrounds. Involved with mental health organisations and promoting positive social interactions, all his work uses game psychology and game dynamics to immerse audiences and create a sense of ownership and empathy with the experiences.
He produces and performs electronic music under the name Arctic Sunrise and has scored several short dance films and performances as well as output on various international record labels, including his own UK based experimental label Airvent Media since 06. He is currently the UK Laptop Battle Champion. He builds electronic noise machines and devices and hacks apart old analog and digital technology for sound art.
Ashley also teaches and lectures across the country to a variety of age groups and is passionate about engaging people in computer programming, digital technology and electronics through a visual arts and creative approach. This pedagogical approach combined with instilling an experimental and entrepreneurial approach has given hundreds of Ashleys workshop participants and collaborators the confidence and digital literacies needed to navigate the changing landscapes today.